Brian Frank is a clairaudient, clairvoyant spiritual healer, meaning he not only hears his guides’ voices and sees images presented to him, he has also been given many abilities to clear internal obstacles, resolve the past, and increase qualities necessary to thrive in life.
From an early age, Brian found himself in deep mystical states and as he grew up, he committed to following the Source of those states, later revealedas his Master Teachers. By doing so, deep realizations, along with many spiritual abilities have materialized. Many years ago, he wokeup and discovered that he had been given some truly miraculousabilities to transform people’s lives.
Through his passion and fortitude, Brian’s abilities continue to expand daily. In each session, Brian channels what is most needed for the clientright now as well as what is most beneficial for their future. He loves smoothing out the difficult areas of people’s lives.
His healings are gentle and most of his clients can’t believe how effortless the change happens. Brian likes to say, “My clients can certainly climb the stairs to the top of a skyscraper, but they can also take the elevator. I am the elevator.”